Monday, February 11, 2013

...And Again

My personal assistant, Tina, is getting quite talented at breaking and entering my blog. I guess I'm going to have to amp up security...or just get used to it. LOL. So, here it is - another installment in Mia's Monday Madness from the perspective of my PA.

The Mia Experience                             

I have already told you about getting to know Mia. Now, I am going to tell you a little story about meeting her for the first time. Let me see if I remember. Sheri Vidal may have to help me with details.

I had been chatting with Mia for about six or seven months when the idea of trying to get together came up.  A group of us Righteous Perverts were talking about the Romantic Times convention and how it was in Chicago last year.  I live about three hours away and several other Perverts lived close too. So we all decided to try and meet up there. Now if you have not been to RT, I will just tell you that it is expensive. We all decided to do just a day trip so we could go to the signing, but really we were all just looking for an excuse to get together.

I took the train and Sheri and her spawn, Mikey, picked me up at the station, and we headed off to the hotel. It was about a thirty minute drive, and we just chatted away the same way we do on Facebook. Did I mention this was the first time I also met Sheri.  This is where things get fuzzy for me. I remember getting to the hotel and heading up to our room where the fourth member of our party, Dawn, was waiting. I called Mia and told her what room we were in. She had to go to retrieve her bags from another author’s room where she had stashed them when she arrived. While we were waiting on Mia, I called our good friend Kris Cook and let him know we had arrived. While waiting, we realized that we had a smaller room than we were supposed to so Dawn went all sweet and forceful on the hotel, and we had to move to another room. Kris and cover artist, Kendra Egert, arrived in our room and we all started chatting. We were having a good time just yappin when there was a knock at the door. I went and opened it and there she was standing there looking a bit nervous. MIA ASHLINN in the flesh. She came in and hugs were exchanged and from that moment on, there was no separating us. She was just like she was online….not. She is actually kind of shy, but you would never know it if you talk to her. I thought she might pass out when she noticed all the other people in our room. I am sure it was a really overwhelming for her because I had already met Kris, Dawn, and Kendra, and I was a bit nervous. Once Mia relaxed we had nothing but fun. She is very quick witted and says some of the most lovably dorky things. We all hit it off and hung out just being friends.  We went to the autograph signing, and Kris kidnapped Mia and took her around to meet all these authors. I think she was a bit shell shocked by Kris. He is one of our favorite authors and one of the most wonderful people I have ever met, but shy is one thing he is not. The signing was fun and we met lots of our favorite authors, and we fell right into our friendship like we had met a thousand times before.

We went out to dinner just the four of us and Mikey. We were heading back to our room after dinner when the most exciting thing happened. We passed Anne Rice in the hallway. We all looked at each other and, Dawn being Dawn, she stopped and turned around and asked Ms. Rice if we could get our pictures taken with her. She was so sweet and her son was nice enough to take all the pictures we wanted.

After we calmed down we went down to the lounge and met up with some of the other Siren authors and just had a great time. We talked way into the night and did a few touristy things on Sunday before we all had to head home.

That is the first time I had ever met Mia and maybe next time, I will tell you of the time I slept with her.

Sinfully Sarcastic,



  1. Wow now i am even more super excited to meet you all. I may be as nervous as Mia but i get loud and stupid instead of shy with nerves so lets hope i cope. Thanks for sharing. Mia i am super excited to meet you and the loveable Tina.

    1. Cherie, I have no doubt you'll be fine, and we'll all have a blast together. I look forward to that day! Oh, the havoc we will wreak...Dum dah dum. :)

  2. Don't get your hopes up Cherie. I am so not lovable

  3. I remember first meeting you and Mia. At the airport in Texas. I was coming down the escalator and saw this group of women staring at the arrivals board. Tina looked over and I pointed at you. Mia was also there, so I met her at the same time as meeting you. Then we spent the weekend goofing around together. Mia was adorably sweet and a hoot to hang out with :)

    1. Ha! I'm not the hoot. You are. Luna, I so loved meeting you face-to-face, and I can't wait until we get to see each other again. NOLA 2014, baby! :)

  4. yep after what like 4 years of yappin we finally hooked up and bonus you got to meet Mia at the same time. I am not sure how you survived all that awesomeness in one weekend. I mean who else would have popcorn and watch porn with two other women
