Thursday, September 6, 2012

Would You Like A Tease?

Of course you would! Everyone loves a little tease once in a while...especially us naughty ladies and gents. Well, I must say this is not a Channing Tatum-esque tease. Damn it. But it is a bit of juicy news about my work in progress.

Let me back up for a second, I probably should explain something before I dig in to the meat of this blog. Oh, that sounds so bad. I love it. 

Some of you have been asking about the book that I'm working on. Well, I've been rather mum on the fifth installment in Sweet Serenity (which has been insanely difficult). However, I have a method to my madness. Go figure. 

I've kept this book top-secret because it is a...shall we say, special holiday project. Sounds confusing and intriguing all at once, huh? Well, you'll need to read on for a little tease of what to expect in the tentatively titled, The Sweetest Dish.

The Sweetest Dish is a Thanksgiving story set in Serenity, Kansas that will celebrate couples of the past. Of course, there will be a lot more to it than just that. But those secrets will have to remain under my hat for just a little bit longer. However, I will share three teases today. I do so love that number.

Number 1: Serenity's Thanksgiving extends 69 miles to the residents of Kinky, Kansas and Luscious, Kansas. Yes, that means there will be all sorts of new and returning characters from all three towns.

Number 2: A bitchy woman will be getting served her "just desserts."

Number 3: Several of my favorite ladies will be reminded what truly is the sweetest dish in life.

Since I'm teasing, I think I'll share an unedited snippet from The Sweetest Dish. This particular book is seen through various viewpoints. So I will let you all pick whose perspective the snippet comes from - Jaycee, Shannon, Katie-Anne, Ella, or Sarah. Leave a comment below with who you would like to hear from. Whichever lady gets the most votes will have a starring role tomorrow on this blog. 

Have a great day! XOXOXO!

Love and cherries,


  1. I love a good tease :) and watched this one four times.

  2. I don't care which one it is from as long as my SAM is in it :P

  3. Hi Mia, i am mega excited about this new book that you are writing and would really like to have a snippet about Katie-Anne and hopefully her men! I've loved reading all of your books and can't wait till more are published. Lisa xxx

  4. well, this is tough but I think I'd like to hear from Sara after all she's been through.

  5. I can't pick which one I want to read, just share them all! LOL Loved your tease!

  6. I want a comment from any of them. Jaycee would be good.

  7. I will take any of them, I'm not picky! Thanks:)
